Rabu, 14 Maret 2018

Airport Fashion 101: Jin of BTS

Airport Fashion 101: Jin of BTS

Jin of BTS, BTS Style, BTS Airport fashion, jin airport fashion, jin fashion
BTS has been spending busy days attending award ceremonies inside Korea and will continue to be busy for they have packed schedules in the U.S afterward.
It’s not an exaggeration to say, BTS got fans in every country especially those who are in the 10~20s. So many people get into BTS and desire to know more about them. Small but detailed information is kindda hard to get since they are all in Korea. One of the things fans like to know is what kind of style the members enjoy wearing and what kind of style are members fond of for the opposite sex.  
Jin, once said that he is fond of women with long hair wearing boxy knitted sweaters with skinny jeans. Someone wearing nice sneakers rather than heels and one or two bracelets on one’s wrist. Overall, he likes someone who has a cute style. 
Then what about him? What kind of style does he have? Let’s find out through his airport fashion!
1st – Black & White
He usually wears black with white of black with black. Either way, it makes him look chic and cool.
Jin of BTS, BTS Style, BTS Airport fashion, jin airport fashion, jin fashion
10 asia / world wide jin

2nd – Colorful Coats
There is no law that winters should be dull! Add colors to winter with coats like Jin! He is a spring all alone.
Jin of BTS, BTS Style, BTS Airport fashion, jin airport fashion, jin fashion
koreaika / star journal / WITH_JIN_1204

3rd – The Right to be Cute
He not only likes women dressed cute, he himself like to dress cute! 
Jin of BTS, BTS Style, BTS Airport fashion, jin airport fashion, jin fashion
SporTV Star / exponews / HARU

4th – Casual Looks
His casual looks are consisted of natural, down to earth items.  Being comfortable yet having one item to express one’s style seems to be his law of fashion.
Jin of BTS, BTS Style, BTS Airport fashion, jin airport fashion, jin fashion
newsen / seokyung st / Jinheart1204 / 10asia

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